Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Twins, And a Big Question

Since I am Here might as well get started.

Well Rite now I have a Big Problem. You see I have twins in my NPCC Squad and I have heard from friends that there are 6 types of twins. And Now I would like to know what types are they..... and guessing is not an option
Well time to wiki it and see wad comes out.

5 Mins later.......

Hmm I see..........

there are actually 2 types of twins

Dizygotic and Monozygotic twins.....

erm where are the other 4???????
On to More in depth info


Well Twins actually mean 2 offsprings born at the same time in the womb..

and I thought they will look alike and be born at the same time

So on to the twins

There are 5 variations.
From Most to least common:
(1) male-female Dizygotic twins
(2) female Dizygotic twins
(3) male Dizygotic twins.
(4) female Monozygotic twins
(5) male Monozygotic twins

Kinda weird that Male are the last........

So Dizygotic is the most common huh???
But why cannot there be male-female Monozygotic Twins???
And how many eggs are needed?? How about sperms???????

Off for more mad researching and Slacking.......................

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