Friday, July 25, 2008

Is 1+1=2 and 2+2=2 correct?????

Weird addition huh?

And I got it from my parents and cousins

Onto the 2 main types of twins:

Dizygotic (DZ) and Monozygotic(MZ)

First Things first.........

Group 1(DZ)

DZ twins are formed with 2 eggs.... and 2 sperms

Mainly 6 per thousand to 14 per thousand

So basically they are 2 babies in one womb and they are fertilized separately.

Making it possible to have 2 completely different babies of different size and face.

Not my kind of twins my NPCC friends are.

Which Means they are in

Group 2(MZ)

MZ twins are formed with one egg and one sperm

HUH????? Won't that make a single baby??

Well.... The egg splits into 2, forming 2 eggs but with almost the same placenta thus making the babies look identical....

Now that is more like it.. So basically MZ twins can NEVER form a Boy and A girl As the sperm used is the same kind and thus u can only have one of the gender.

Chances are 3 per thousand...
Quite Low

I thought DZ twins were 2 sperms touching the egg at the same time....

So I think my friends are from this group of twins.

Kinda of hard work juz to know.....

As for the Equation

I was refering to DZ and MZ twins

2 Sperms + 2 Eggs = 2 Babies (DZ Twins)

1 Sperms + 1 Egg = 2 Babies (MZ Twins)

For MZ twins, when does the split occur and do they have a chance of surrvival when it is late????

Argh more researching............................

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