Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Early The Better?????

Ok so onto the problem with MZ twins.

My friends kinda say that the egg should split up later while my parents say that the egg should split early so which is correct???

Well I dunno who to trust so off for more research......

10 Mins later............

Well now I feel like reading up on Cloning....................

Okay, so MZ twins'egg spliting up late or early can be good or bad

First up we have the dichorionic diamniotic twins

And it is the most common, about 20%-30%

They split up during the first 2 days of fertilization. Which is Kinda of Fast for them.

Now they have a Seperate placenta and its own sac.....

In other words, the placenta is the THING that Transport the Things from baby to mother and mother to baby.

<<<<<<< See????

And the Sac is the THING that protects the Baby

So The dichorionic diamniotic twins are not sharing a thing with the other.....

And if it splits later than 2 days.

they are monochorionic diamniotic twins.

Which Shares the placenta.

EWWWWW Gross. Imagine sharing food and faeces with your other twin.

The thrid one is quite late and they are the monochorionic monoamniotic twins
and they share the same sac.

No offence but I thought Sharing the placenta is gross but this is.......................

The For the LATEST GUY OF ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Conjoined twins...
And they share organs Wow???

Of cos there are risks with the twins

monochorionic monoamniotic twins have a 50% chance to Survive due to cord entanglement
monochorionic diamniotic twins have around 75% chance due to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
dichorionic diamniotic twins have the highest chance at about 91%.

As for Conjoined twins, Nothing to say.

So it is the early the better for them.
And that is about the end of it.

By the way this Blog will still be open after the Bio Journal.

Argh!!! Need to Find more topics

Friday, July 25, 2008

Is 1+1=2 and 2+2=2 correct?????

Weird addition huh?

And I got it from my parents and cousins

Onto the 2 main types of twins:

Dizygotic (DZ) and Monozygotic(MZ)

First Things first.........

Group 1(DZ)

DZ twins are formed with 2 eggs.... and 2 sperms

Mainly 6 per thousand to 14 per thousand

So basically they are 2 babies in one womb and they are fertilized separately.

Making it possible to have 2 completely different babies of different size and face.

Not my kind of twins my NPCC friends are.

Which Means they are in

Group 2(MZ)

MZ twins are formed with one egg and one sperm

HUH????? Won't that make a single baby??

Well.... The egg splits into 2, forming 2 eggs but with almost the same placenta thus making the babies look identical....

Now that is more like it.. So basically MZ twins can NEVER form a Boy and A girl As the sperm used is the same kind and thus u can only have one of the gender.

Chances are 3 per thousand...
Quite Low

I thought DZ twins were 2 sperms touching the egg at the same time....

So I think my friends are from this group of twins.

Kinda of hard work juz to know.....

As for the Equation

I was refering to DZ and MZ twins

2 Sperms + 2 Eggs = 2 Babies (DZ Twins)

1 Sperms + 1 Egg = 2 Babies (MZ Twins)

For MZ twins, when does the split occur and do they have a chance of surrvival when it is late????

Argh more researching............................

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Twins, And a Big Question

Since I am Here might as well get started.

Well Rite now I have a Big Problem. You see I have twins in my NPCC Squad and I have heard from friends that there are 6 types of twins. And Now I would like to know what types are they..... and guessing is not an option
Well time to wiki it and see wad comes out.

5 Mins later.......

Hmm I see..........

there are actually 2 types of twins

Dizygotic and Monozygotic twins.....

erm where are the other 4???????
On to More in depth info


Well Twins actually mean 2 offsprings born at the same time in the womb..

and I thought they will look alike and be born at the same time

So on to the twins

There are 5 variations.
From Most to least common:
(1) male-female Dizygotic twins
(2) female Dizygotic twins
(3) male Dizygotic twins.
(4) female Monozygotic twins
(5) male Monozygotic twins

Kinda weird that Male are the last........

So Dizygotic is the most common huh???
But why cannot there be male-female Monozygotic Twins???
And how many eggs are needed?? How about sperms???????

Off for more mad researching and Slacking.......................

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Finally More New Difference And Johnathan Tan

Firstly, I have found out more about Ruminant Animals. Secondly, I have managed to find out more about the differences. Lastly, I found out that Johny, Jamie and Bunny are Preverts.

Ruminant Animals..........

They have fore stomach which consists of four parts.

They are rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum.

In the reticulorumen(The rumen and the reticulum)

In the reticulorumen, the food is mixed with saliva and separates into layers of solid and liquid material.

Solids clump together to form the cud and chewed slowly to break it down the particle size

Fiber is primarily broken down into the three volatile fatty acids, acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid in these chambers by microbes.

Protein and non-structural carbohydrate (pectin, sugars, starches) are also fermented.

So Much for the digestion of the solids.....................

So what happens to the liquids???

The liquids passes into the omasum

Water and many of the inorganic mineral elements are absorbed into the blood stream.

The dry lumps of food is moved to the abomasum.

The abomasum is the direct equivalent of our stomach and the rest is digested here in much the same way.

The rest of the dry lumps of stuff(Or What is left of it) is finally moved into the small intestine, where the digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs.

Fermentation continues in the large intestine in the same way as in the reticulorumen

So different.................................

Human is Mouth>Gullet>Stomach>Small Intestine>Large Intestine>Anus

Cow is
Intestine>Large intestine>Anus
Omasum>Abomasum>Small Intestine>Large Intestine>Anus


Plus More difference

Cows absorb little glucose from the small intestine
Cows' requirement for glucose is made by the liver from propionate
Cows have to keep on chewing on cud to break it down and if they are lucky it will only happen once per meal

So be grateful that we no need to chew on Cud or rechew our food

Now on to More Serious Matters.

Johny, Jamie and Bunny went to my house and tried to watch p***.
Fortunately they failed thanks to Starhub Safe Search
So be careful with your computers when these three people are around because they will sabo u.
And I was Nearly arrested by the police.
they called and asked why I tried to watch p***.
Lucky they did not pursue.
Be Careful...................................

Damn it!!!!

Need to Keep those three out of the house and ensure they dun watch p***...............

Argh More research on filters.