Monday, June 30, 2008

Rumen And More About Cows


This is too CHIM!!!!!!!!!!!

Basically after asking My Mum and Looking up Wikipedia, I am in a Mess!!!

Need to Ask my Primary School Teacher...........

My finding on the Rumen are these:

(Made Easy)

Rumen = fermentation vat = paunch

Reticulorumen = Rumen + reticulum

Reticulorumen = 1st chamber in the alimentary canal

Used for microbial fermentation of indigested feed.

Process too chim to understand...............

Microbes Needed:



fungi(In a Stomach????)



Used to Break down the Indigested Food


Does not tell pretty much

So time to go onto the alimentary canal

Which Is our Digestive System.....

so now we need to find the Difference between the Alimentary Canal of Humans and Cows
This is human's Alimentery Canal

Argh!!!Need More research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summing it up:
New Differences:
Cows Have Rumen.
Cows Use Microbes to Digest
Cows have a good number of stomach
And Cows have some way to make their Cud from the Stomach to Come out and chew on it.
A bit like eating Vomit.........
Maybe we should find the Ruminant Animals and cut them into half and see how it looks like.
Or google it..
Off for more Researching...................... Agian....................

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