Saturday, June 28, 2008

First Post and First Bio Journal

Hi. Welcome to this Blog. This term I will be bloging on the topics of my Bio Journal. The first question is "What is the difference between a cow's stomach and our Human Stomach?" Of cos many will say that the cow has more........... But still I will need to do more research on this. Like how they throw the cud out of the stomach? And my second Question is "How do you get twins?" Is it 2 sperms in a egg or 1 Sperm in 2 eggs? Kinda confusing.........

Also this blog is not only for Bio Journal. It is also for my life...... feel free to Comment. Also Sorry for the 1 day post....... I juz know that I have to do a blog today.......... so erm got extendsion????
starting from this week ba

So Now I have just finished researching for today and I am about to recount wad I did.

First is the Human Digestive System

How to Upload????? Try this link ba

And for the Cow Bit

HOLY COW!!!! No videos.....

Try Pictures???

Found it.....................

so what is the Rumen For??????? and how the Cud comes in and out????
Bet you that it has something to do with the Rumen..................

Here I go again............
More research.........


--- said...

You only show pics of the cow's digestive system. what about human's digestive system?

my url is:

Kira Yamato said...

stupid gayvin! copy my question on cow! cow u!